Monday, December 31, 2007


Just a thought this new years eve 2007, This is our 56 new years eve we have spent together I seems like in the last few years our first acquaintance with the new year is the next morning
We Just returned from Fresno where we attended Manuels mission farewell, he is going to the mexico city mission one of 6 I guess, a real good family, took many pictures will post them as soon as I can down load them. W left Fresno at 8 Pm drove to mojave and then on home the next day, this has been a full week, Christmas eve we spent at Bretts house, visited with each of the kids on Christmas day, then Christmas day eve we all gathered at Brett house ate visited and p;layed snoop, we all spent the night and marian and I drove home the next morning, arriving by one so I could work then early Friday we went to Fresno, now it's new years eve the 55 we have spent together, Thursday mornineg we will drive to northen Utah for OK Welton as Sidneys funeral

Sunday, December 16, 2007

cooper's blessing day


today Dec. 16, we met at Mikes and Karlene's house for the blessing of cooper george Wells, by his father Nate Wells